How to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp for Android

Finally, multiple accounts support for WhatsApp is here.

What’s better than having a WhatsApp account? Well, of course, it’s having two. Now, you no longer need to install 2 WhatsApp on your phone.

WhatsApp has just announced an exciting feature for Android users that allows you to have multiple accounts logged in at the same time. This can be incredibly helpful for those who need to switch between personal and work accounts without the hassle of logging out each time or carrying two phones.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up multiple WhatsApp accounts on your phone.


To set up a second WhatsApp account, you will need either:

  1. A second phone number and a physical SIM card.
  2. A phone that accepts multi-SIM cards or a phone with eSIM support.
  3. An Android smartphone (currently only available for Android)

Make sure you have the official WhatsApp application installed on your Android device. If you don’t have it, download WhatsApp from the Google Play Store.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and Access Settings

Step 2: Add a Second WhatsApp Account

Step 3: Verify Your Phone Number

Step 4: Set Up Your Second Account

Step 5: Privacy and Notification Settings

Important Note: Only use the official WhatsApp application available on the Google Play Store. Avoid downloading imitations or unofficial versions as they may compromise your security and privacy.

That’s it! You’ve successfully set up a second WhatsApp account on your Android device. You can now seamlessly switch between your personal and work accounts without the need to log out each time.

Coming Soon feature:

The feature was first announced on WhatsApp’s official channel. The official rollout will enable you to log in to two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone, making it even more convenient for managing your personal and work life on a single device. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new feature!

Remember, your messages are only secure and private when using the official WhatsApp application.

Note: Please note that installing WhatsApp doesn’t give you a phone number.

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