How to untag usernames and mentions on X (Twitter)

A featured image for untagging username on X (Twitter) / Designed by @noobspace

Got stuck in a heated conversation on X (Twitter) and want out? If you’re tired of receiving notifications from a mentioned username on Twitter, this guide will help you untag yourself from that post/tweet or thread.

In order to get yourself out of a Twitter thread and stop getting notifications altogether, follow the mentioned steps below:

Step 1: Locate the post/thread/tweet where you are mentioned on X (Twitter)

A thread where your username is mentioned on X (Twitter)

On the thread, tap or click on the more icon at the top right where the thread starts.

Step 2: Select Leave this conversation.

You’ll see a prompt that lets you know people can’t mention you again in this conversation and you won’t receive further notifications. To proceed, select Leave.

Step 4: Your username will be unlinked/hidden.

Once you leave the conversation, your username (or “handle”) link will be hidden.

Note: According to X(Twitter), this feature is in beta and is being tested on a small group of users. It may also be possible that this feature is only limited to the X Premium users.

What happens when you leave a conversation on X (Twitter)?

When you leave a conversation, here’s what happens.

A pop-up appeared once I chose to leave a conversation. It says that,

“Sometimes you just don’t wanna engage.”

It further says, that leaving a conversation will:

If you’re okay with untagging your username, stop future mentions by people who are continuing the conversation, and stop notifications altogether from the same conversation, then just follow the steps to do so.

I found it really handy because sometimes, it gets toxic on X. Since it’s a FREE speech platform, it’s important to understand that anyone can have opinions and you can choose to just leave that conversation if it no longer serves the purpose.

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