Infographics SEO: 6 ways they BOOST traffic in 2025

Here's how using Infographics the right way can boost your SEO

How Infographics Impact SEO / Designed by @abdugeek

An Infographic is a great source of information, using which one can share complex information in an easy and digestible form. Google ranks websites that are optimized for their search engine. There are plenty of SEO guides available on the internet to rank your website higher. But, SEO is more than just creating backlinks. SEO has become more user-focused than just search engines. It is improving user experience better using infographics, visuals, fast-loading websites, and helpful content.

After Google’s helpful content update, the search engine pledges to rank web pages that are useful for people. Since then, more SEOs seem to be focusing more on the content created for people rather than just for the search engine. It shows how Google values content that’s helpful for people, and their users and also that it prefers some content over others just because it provides value and not because it has more backlinks.

Since the inception of short-format videos and platforms like TikTok, the average attention span of people has lowered. People tend to process quick information faster than written content and also prefer Infographics over long-form articles. It doesn’t mean that written content is a thing of the past and that infographics can be used as a replacement for long-form written content, it’s just that if Infographics can be used somewhere, there are chances that they’ll perform well over any written content.

1. Increased CTR in SERPs

Whenever Google thinks that visualization is going to be helpful for a particular keyword, it shows images in the search results. This happens in two ways, either the images are inside a box, or they just show these images in the form of a carousel. That’s where Infographics come in.

According to Advanced Web Ranking’s CTR study, organic search results with images get higher CTR than just organic search results.

A study of CTR, click through rate

It means, when an article is ranked higher with an image, it’s likely to get more clicks than an article with no Infographics. With Infographics, there are also chances for an article to be featured in the snippet, especially for keywords with information intent. This allows Google to share information about that particular topic/keyword in a glimpse.

2. Brand Awareness

Brands spend millions of dollars on marketing and brand awareness. Often, they hire agencies that do all the hard work for them. When it comes to brand awareness, it’s crucial to put yourself out there, and what’s better than content marketing for a company? Companies using content marketing must use infographics in their strategies and we’ll discuss why.

In order to conquer people, start creating content that’s actually helpful for them. With every published article, make sure you have got an infographic that balances the written content with visuals. This way, your content will not only perform well with your current audience but chances are that it’ll perform well in the search engines as well. You’ll get more clicks through image search as discussed before.

3. Actually Useful

When it comes to usefulness in the eyes of the reader, only the written content is not enough. The end goal of any SEO should be to provide the best user experience a reader can have. An infographic is how one can explain any complex point better, thus benefiting the readers.

When the content is actually useful, users are more likely to share the content, reducing the bounce rate of the page. This will help Google understand the value of the page and considering the traffic it’s getting, your page’s usefulness will result in ranking higher in the search engines.

4. Shareable

If you compare a written post with a post that contains an infographic, you’ll see that the one with Infographic is performing well. An infographic encapsulates information in a graphic and is shareable. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, which shows the importance of visual content in processing information. People tend to read more visual content, like infographics than written posts and hence share more infographics.

Also, when content is shared on multiple platforms, the more traffic it gets from the sources, the more it’ll get noticed by the search engines. Thus, ranking higher in SERPs won’t be an issue. Hence, creating infographics that are actually useful and shareable, directly or indirectly, helps in ranking higher and getting more relevant traffic.

Backlinks play a vital role in the search appearance of a website. SEOs do everything in their power to get as many backlinks as possible and infographics are typically useful backlink generators. In order to get backlinks faster, SEOs go for outreach for link building and insertion services or guest posting. For infographics to play a role as a backlink generator, you can submit your infographics to any of the infographic directories available on the internet. This way, people will be aware of your visual content and link back to it faster.

Another way of getting backlinks through the infographics is by notifying the citations that you’ve linked to their work with a request to share your work on their social profiles. When you do this, people tend to link back and share the infographic on their social media, creating more impact than just a backlink.

6. Better Marketing Tool for Today

There’s a popular stat in the marketing industry that visual data gets processed 600x times faster than text. There’s an ocean of content out there, and making sure that yours stands out is harder than ever.

Marketing is all about making the other person aware of the solution to any problem they might have. And for this purpose, visual content is proven to perform well. That’s where infographics come in. You can create a better marketing funnel with the help of infographics.

FAQs: SEO impact of infographics in 2025

What are infographics?

Infographics are visual representations of information or data that use graphics, charts, and illustrations to present complex concepts in a more digestible and visually appealing format.

How do infographics impact SEO?

Infographics can have several positive impacts on SEO, including:

1. Increased backlinks: Infographics are highly shareable and can attract more backlinks from other websites, which can positively influence search engine rankings.

2. Enhanced user engagement: Infographics tend to generate higher user engagement and social sharing, leading to increased website traffic and potential SEO benefits.

3. Improved content relevance: By presenting information in a visually engaging way, infographics can enhance the overall user experience and keep visitors on your website longer, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.

4. Increased brand visibility: Infographics can be easily shared on various platforms, helping to expand your brand’s reach and visibility, potentially leading to more organic search traffic.

How can I optimize infographics for SEO?

To optimize infographics for SEO, consider the following tips:

1. Optimize the filename and alt text: Use descriptive keywords in the filename and alt text of the infographic image to make it more discoverable by search engines.

2. Add relevant text: Include a concise and keyword-rich introduction or caption near the infographic to provide context and improve its search engine visibility.

3. Embed the infographic: Instead of just including the infographic as an image, embed it within a relevant webpage or blog post, surrounded by relevant textual content.

4. Implement social sharing buttons: Make it easy for visitors to share your infographic on social media platforms, increasing its reach and potential for backlinks.

5. Submit to infographic directories: Submit your infographic to reputable infographic directories to gain exposure, backlinks, and potential traffic.

Can infographics improve my website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs)?

While infographics alone may not directly boost your website’s ranking, they can contribute to improved SEO indirectly. By increasing user engagement, attracting backlinks, and enhancing content relevance, infographics can help increase your website’s visibility and potential for higher rankings on SERPs.

Are there any best practices for creating SEO-friendly infographics?

Yes, here are some best practices for creating SEO-friendly infographics:

1. Keep it visually appealing: Design visually appealing and easy-to-understand infographics that effectively convey information.

2. Focus on quality content: Ensure the infographic provides valuable and accurate information, making it more likely to be shared and linked to by others.

3. Keep it concise: Avoid overwhelming the infographic with excessive information, as it may reduce readability and sharing potential.

4. Promote social sharing: Include social sharing buttons and encourage users to share your infographic across various platforms.

5. Monitor performance: Track the performance of your infographics, including backlinks, social shares, and referral traffic, to gauge their impact on your SEO efforts.

Remember, infographics should be part of a comprehensive SEO strategy that incorporates other optimization techniques to achieve the best results. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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