How to lock Netflix profile with PIN code in 2024

How to lock your Netflix profile on iPhone, Android, Web

Netflix has become a household name when it comes to streaming movies and TV shows. With its vast library of content, it offers a personalized experience to each user by allowing multiple profiles under one account. However, if you share your Netflix account with others, you might want to consider locking your profile with a PIN code to ensure your privacy and protect your viewing preferences.

In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of how to lock your Netflix profile with a PIN code, keeping your content safe from unauthorized access and others poking their nose into your arena.

How to lock your Netflix profile on Web:

To lock your Netflix profile with a PIN code, follow these simple steps:

1. Access Netflix account settings

Open Netflix in your preferred web browser and sign in to your account. Click on the profile icon at the top-right corner of the screen and select “Account” from the dropdown menu.

2. Navigate to profile & parental controls

In the Account settings page, scroll down to the “Profile & Parental Controls” section. Click on the profile you want to lock with a PIN code.

3. Set up PIN protection

Under the profile you selected, click on the “Change” button next to the “Profile Lock” option.

4. Enter your Netflix password

To proceed, Netflix requires you to enter your account password for verification purposes. Type in your password and click on the “Continue” button.

5. Create a 4 digit profile PIN

In the next step, you can create a four-digit PIN code. Make sure to choose a PIN that is easy for you to remember but not too obvious for others to guess. Retype the PIN to confirm and click on “Save.”

6. Profile successfully locked

Congratulations! Your Netflix profile is now locked with a PIN code. From now on, whenever someone tries to access your locked profile, they will need to enter the PIN code.

How to lock your Netflix profile on iPhone

If you’re an iPhone user and want to lock your Netflix profile with a PIN code, here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Netflix App on iPhone: Locate the Netflix app on your iPhone’s home screen and tap on it to open it.
  2. Sign In to Your Account: If you’re not already signed in, enter your Netflix email address and password to log in to your account.
  3. Access Profile Selection: On the Netflix home screen, tap on the profile icon located in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will take you to the profile selection screen.
  4. Select the Profile to Lock: From the list of available profiles, tap on the profile that you want to lock with a PIN code. This will open that profile’s settings.
  5. Go to Profile Settings: Look for the gear icon or the three-dot menu icon on the profile settings page. Tap on it to access the profile settings.
  6. Choose “Change Profile Lock”: On the profile settings page, you’ll find various options. Look for the “Change Profile Lock” option and tap on it.
  7. Enter Your Netflix Password: To proceed, Netflix requires you to enter your account password for verification purposes. Type in your password and tap on “Continue.”
  8. Create a Profile PIN: In the next step, you can create a four-digit PIN code. Enter a PIN that you can remember but is not easily guessable. Re-enter the PIN to confirm.
  9. Save the PIN Code: Tap on the “Save” or “Done” button to save the PIN code and lock your Netflix profile. From now on, whenever someone tries to access your locked profile on your iPhone, they will need to enter the PIN code.

How to lock your Netflix profile on Android

If you’re using an Android device and want to lock your Netflix profile with a PIN code, here’s a step-by-step guide for you:

  1. Launch the Netflix App on Android: Locate the Netflix app on your Android device’s home screen or app drawer and tap on it to open it.
  2. Sign In to Your Account: If you’re not already signed in, enter your Netflix email address and password to log in to your account.
  3. Access Profile Selection: Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the Netflix home screen. Tap on the profile icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen to go to the profile selection screen.
  4. Select the Profile to Lock: From the list of available profiles, tap on the profile that you want to lock with a PIN code. This will open the profile’s settings.
  5. Go to Profile Settings: Look for the menu icon (usually represented by three vertical dots) on the profile settings page. Tap on it to access the profile settings.
  6. Choose “Change Profile Lock”: In the profile settings, scroll down until you find the “Change Profile Lock” option. Tap on it to proceed.
  7. Enter Your Netflix Password: Netflix will prompt you to enter your account password for verification. Type in your password and tap on “Continue.”
  8. Create a Profile PIN: On the next screen, you can set a four-digit PIN code for your Netflix profile. Choose a PIN that is easy for you to remember but not easy for others to guess. Confirm the PIN by entering it again.
  9. Save the PIN Code: Tap on the “Save” or “Done” button to save the PIN code and lock your Netflix profile. Your profile will now be protected with a PIN code, and anyone trying to access it will need to enter the PIN.

FAQs about Locking Netflix Profile with PIN Code

Why should I lock my Netflix profile with a PIN code?

Locking your Netflix profile with a PIN code provides an extra layer of security and privacy. It ensures that only authorized users can access your profile and prevents others from tampering with your viewing history or preferences.

Can I set up different PIN codes for each profile?

Yes, you can set up different PIN codes for each profile within your Netflix account. This allows you to have separate PIN codes for your profile and other profiles used by family members or friends.

What if I forget my PIN code?

If you forget your PIN code, you can easily reset it by following a few simple steps. Go to the “Profile & Parental Controls” section in your Netflix account settings, click on the profile you want to reset the PIN for, and select the “Forgot PIN?” option. Netflix will guide you through the process of resetting your PIN code.

Can I change or remove the PIN code?

Yes, you can change or remove the PIN code for your Netflix profile at any time. Simply go to the “Profile & Parental Controls” section in your account settings, click on the profile you want to modify, and select the “Change” button next to the “Profile Lock” option. From there, you can enter a new PIN code or choose to remove the PIN code altogether.

Are there any restrictions or limitations with profile PIN codes?

Profile PIN codes are a convenient way to protect your Netflix profile, but it’s important to note that they have a few limitations. PIN codes only apply to the Netflix website and mobile apps and do not lock profiles on other devices, such as smart TVs or streaming media players. Additionally, PIN codes do not restrict access to content within a profile, as they are primarily designed to prevent unauthorized profile access.

Can I use the same PIN code for multiple profiles?

No, Netflix requires a unique PIN code for each profile within an account. This ensures that each user’s profile remains secure and separate from others, even within the same account.

Can you put a lock on a Netflix profile?

Yes, you can put a 4 digit PIN lock on a Netflix profile to protect your viewing data from others.


Locking your Netflix profile with a PIN code is a simple yet effective way to safeguard your personal viewing preferences and protect your privacy. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up a PIN code for your Netflix profile and enjoy a worry-free streaming experience. Remember to choose a PIN code that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. With this added layer of security, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Netflix profile is protected.

In addition, Netflix has started password sharing crackdown on it’s customers. Follow our guide, if you’re planning on cancelling your Netflix account.

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